Monday, August 31, 2015

School Boundaries

Are you curious about what school your child would attend if you were to purchase a particular house?  I found this map on the Oak Harbor School District website ( which helps to show you where the various school boundaries.  This could be very helpful if you are wanting to be sure your child doesn't have to change schools as result of your desire for a different house. 

This map can be found on the OHSD website

Naturally it is best to verify, with Oak Harbor School District, that your address is slated for a particular school as the map is wonderfully helpful, but things may have changed since this map was last updated (though clearly things don't change too frequently since the map was created in 2007 and I downloaded a copy of it today 8.31.2015).

Monday, August 3, 2015

Whidbey Island Naval Air Base Jet Noise

If you currently live in Oak Harbor or Coupeville, Washington... or are moving to the area you may be interested to know what parts of the island experience the least and the most jet noise. I recently was showing some houses to a family that were interested in finding a home that experienced similar flights to those in their current home and showed them some maps that show the typical flight zones. These could be handy for anyone living in the area, looking to move to a different home in the area, or those looking to move to the area.

 The maps were developed to assist new home builders in knowing what amount of noise insulation/buffering they needed to have in a house that was being constructed depending upon where it fell on the map. The way other homeowners could use this map is to find a home that meets their needs while taking into consideration what amount of noise they may experience. Clearly those homes located closer to the base, in Oak Harbor, or the outlying field (OLF), in Coupeville, will be the most aware of flights happening... while homes further out from these locations will experience the least amount of noise.

**maps pulled Island County Noise Zone Maps - Washington State Building Code Council 2002