Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Hold the Umbrellas! A Look at GDP - KW Blog

Are you wondering what fluctuations in the economy and the GDP (gross domestic product) mean for your investments and the value of your home?  Check of the Keller Williams blog at the link below for a great explanation of reasons why we shouldn't worry so much about the results of one quarter of the year.

Hold the Umbrellas! A Look at GDP - KW Blog

Monday, May 25, 2015

What is it like living near a Military Air Base?

Ault Field Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI) Oak Harbor, Washington
Ault Field, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington

Whidbey Island is by far one of the most picturesque places to live.  Ocean views, lush green forests and distant, snow-capped mountains are just a few of the visions we enjoy on a daily basis.

Another common sighting on Whidbey Island, and particularly in the towns of Oak Harbor and Coupeville, is the routine flight of military aircraft.  Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI) is located in Oak Harbor which employs a large number of military members and civilian contractors.  The military base brings gainful employment to the community and also the occasional, excitement of jet noise.

What to know when purchasing a home near a military base?  Part of your home purchase agreement will include a noise disclosure statement indicating that the home you are purchasing is a near the air field.  This does not mean that you can expect to have the level of air traffic noise that a house along the flight path of SeaTac Airport receives.  It is simply to make you aware that you are purchasing near a military air base and planes will be flying around it.

Does it impact your daily activities?  Probably not.  It is something you become accustomed to seeing and hearing on a daily basis.  It is simply part of the lifestyle in this area that comes with the territory of living near a military air base.  The presence of the base nearby gives a very strong sense of security to those living on Whidbey Island, and also lends itself to a more stable job market and economy for those not connected to the military.
Want more information about Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI)?  Follow this link.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Suggestions On Helpful House Upgrades

When working on house upgrades, we typically focus on the larger items. Frequently the most useful upgrades are the minor changes. Whether you are buying a new house or renovating an older one, give some consideration to the following helpful house upgrades.

Extra Items

In many cases, extras are a great thing. An additional utility room or kitchen sink is convenient. Duplicate cable outlets provide flexibility in room layouts. Additional closets can contain clutter and keep items within close reach. These are simply a sampling of the many extras that you may appreciate having in your house.


Consider locations in a room where you might need the flexibility to charge appliances. Add outlets in those spaces. For instance, a beer fridge or freezer may be helpful in the garage or a certain spot in the basement. Perhaps you need an outlet in the bathroom cabinet for charging toothbrushes or razors hidden from plain view. Outdoor power outlets are another good addition to plan for ahead of time.

Planning Ahead

During the design phase, think beyond its initial use. For example, if you intend to replace carpets with hardwood flooring at a future date, the height difference may affect the threshold between flooring types or along a stairwell. Plan the space with that in mind to lower future costs. It is also wise to anticipate upgrades like sound systems, central vacuum, plumbing, and light fixtures.

Size Does Make a Difference

A little extra can sometimes go a long way when it comes to size. Think about whether changing the size of a specific area is beneficial. For example, larger garage openings can accommodate larger automobiles. A bigger kitchen sink can make a difference for big pots and pans. An increased deck will provide better walking room around your patio furniture.

Additional Helpful House Upgrades

The best approach to brainstorm additional helpful house upgrades is to think about a room and how it is presently used. Then imagine how that may change. What are the amenities that will adapt to each situation. Do not forget about special events, new equipment, etc. Be sure to check with your contractor for more suggestions.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ideas On Pest Control And Prevention In Oak Harbor Properties

Pests such as fleas and termites can cause a health hazard to you and your family. There are many things that you can do to address pest problems in your home, including chemical and non-chemical options. The EPA provides a guide to pest management on their website. Once a pest issue grows, it can be extremely painful to address. To deter pest issues to begin with, implement some preemptive precautions. Below are ideas on pest control and prevention in Oak Harbor properties.

Basic Pest Prevention

Get Rid of Moisture

All living things need water for survival, so it is important to eliminate the moisture in your residence. Repair leaky plumbing and do not let water build up anywhere in or around your residence. Remove water-damaged materials. Even high humidity can draw in pests, so use a dehumidifier in moisture prone rooms in your property. Reducing moisture will make it less attractive to pests.

Normal Hiding

Clean out any possible indoor hiding locations such as large piles of newspapers, paper bags, and boxes stored for extended periods of time. These easily store moisture and render desirable hiding places for rodents. Consider using plastic bins instead of boxes for long-term storage requirements.

Cover Entrances

Prevent insects from having liberal access to your property by covering small openings in floors, walls, and ceilings. Install screens on floor drains, windows, and doors to stop flying pests from easily entering the home. Place weather stripping to doors and windows to fill any open gaps. Particularly in summer months, keep doors closed to minimize access into your interior.

Forgetting Food

Try not to leave food out on counters and in sinks. This attracts pests into your home and enables them to remain nourished. Think about using containers that seal tightly. Trash cans can also capture the interests of pests, so find options that keep in smells. Use a garbage disposal whenever possible to reduce the amount of rubbish put in your bin to begin with.

Ideas On Pest Control And Prevention In Oak Harbor Properties

Pests seek nooks to live that meet basic needs for air, moisture, food, and shelter. The best method to control pests is to stop them from entering your home in the first place by addressing the elements that they need to survive as offered above. Applying these simple steps can prevent the need for more serious measures later on. These ideas on pest control and prevention in Oak Harbor properties was offered by Cary Anderson at Keller Williams Realty and is intended to be only a general overview.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mortgage Approval Considerations For Whidbey Island Home Buyers

Pre-approvals will not always lead to actual loan approval. Mortgage companies complete a detailed review before giving final approval. This specific process does not normally start until after a signed offer to purchase as they must evaluate both the financial data of purchasers and details of the property being financed. Below are some mortgage approval considerations for Whidbey Island in Washington home buyers.

Personal Information Assessed


Lenders will examine your assets, income and bills to estimate if you can make the loan payments. Good assets and a regular employment track record show sound financial behavior. The balance and kinds of bills you maintain are also looked at. Mortgage companies estimate not only your present finances. They also try to predict the future ability to pay bills.

Likelihood of Repayment the Loan

Mortgagees assess the chances that you will make payments over the life of the home loan. This is where credit background is important. Your previous conduct is the closest indication of future actions. A poor credit background may weaken your prospects of acquiring a mortgage or lead to higher payments.

Property Factors

Appraised Value

Mortgage companies depend on appraisers to provide critical details on a home. The most important aspect of the report is the value, which is provided in a specific dollar amount. Lenders offer mortgages up to a specific percentage of the market value and the appraisal is relied on to confirm that figure.

Mortgage Company Security

After a loan is given, lenders want affirmation that their money will be preserved. They normally expect title insurance. For mortgages with high loan to value, mortgage insurance is likely a requirement. The amount of combined title and mortgage insurance can differ based on the loan program and can also impact how much a buyer can afford.

More Mortgage Approval Considerations For Whidbey Island In Washington Home Buyers

Lenders can take a few weeks to review a mortgage application prior to granting an approval, a denial, or asking for more information. Approval criteria can differ depending on the type of loan and the situation of the buyer or home. The mortgage approval considerations for Whidbey Island in Washington home buyers in this blog offer merely a few general factors to be cognizant of. Be sure to speak with a lending advisor for guidance on your real estate purchase. Contact Cary Anderson at 360-682-5822 or for additional advice on this and other topics.

For Sale By Owner Dangers

When it comes time to sell a property, sellers sometimes think about not using a Realtor. Just like electrical repairs, taxes, and other tasks, it can be possible to do it yourself but sometimes it may end up costing more due to mistakes made in the process. Technique, resources, and expertise are valuable, especially with selling such a big investment. The following are for sale by owner dangers in Washington that owners should consider.

Understanding the Current Market

Setting the correct price will mean the difference between your real estate selling within a reasonable time or not selling at all. Many homeowners make the mistake of using past appraisals, the value of a very different type of house, or incorrectly priced homes that are currently for sale to set their price. Over-pricing may result in wasted time and a much lower selling price if it eventually sells. Real estate agents monitor changes in the real estate market and understand the complexities of pricing. This comes into play not only when your property is first listed but also as time goes by and the market change.

Marketing Range

Real estate agents will extend the reach and exposure of your home to a larger pool of home buyers. Most buyers, especially first time buyers, use real estate brokers to guide them through the home buying process. For-sale-by-owner marketing avenues may not access the network of real estate professionals. The price for which a property sells is based on inventory, demand, and time. By wasting time and minimizing exposure (the demand), the end result could be a much lower selling price.

Evaluating the Quality of Buyers

Not all prospects are qualified. There are many elements to an offer and pre-approval that must be evaluated beyond price. Taking your property off the market for an unqualified offer can cause you to lose time, miss out on other offers, or leave your listing unfairly stigmatized. Realtors will ensure you thoroughly assess buyers and minimize your risk.

Creative Strategies

Transactions frequently stay together or fail over very minor items. There may be ways to keep a deal together that sellers may not know simply due to inexperience. Real estate professionals gain a wealth of knowledge over the years and usually find creative terms to find common ground or to address issues.

Keeping Deals Together

Emotions come into play in most real estate transactions. It is natural given the large investment that buyers make and the attachment that many sellers have to their home. Real estate agents act as a cushion between buyer and seller to maintain civility and communication. Believe it or not, this is essential in most property transfers. Your real estate agent can keep a clear head and guide you on matters while promoting your best interests.

For Sale By Owner Dangers In Washington State

Real estate professionals ensure you price your home properly based on the current market, maximize your marketing, qualify offers, find ways to bring deals together, maintain relationships, and facilitate successful closings. Homeowners who take the for-sale-by-owner route to save commission can find themselves faced with lengthy market times, be stressed over problems in the process, and ultimately not save as much money as they hoped. The for sale by owner dangers in Washington noted in this article are just a few reasons not to sell by owner.