Monday, May 25, 2015

What is it like living near a Military Air Base?

Ault Field Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI) Oak Harbor, Washington
Ault Field, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington

Whidbey Island is by far one of the most picturesque places to live.  Ocean views, lush green forests and distant, snow-capped mountains are just a few of the visions we enjoy on a daily basis.

Another common sighting on Whidbey Island, and particularly in the towns of Oak Harbor and Coupeville, is the routine flight of military aircraft.  Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI) is located in Oak Harbor which employs a large number of military members and civilian contractors.  The military base brings gainful employment to the community and also the occasional, excitement of jet noise.

What to know when purchasing a home near a military base?  Part of your home purchase agreement will include a noise disclosure statement indicating that the home you are purchasing is a near the air field.  This does not mean that you can expect to have the level of air traffic noise that a house along the flight path of SeaTac Airport receives.  It is simply to make you aware that you are purchasing near a military air base and planes will be flying around it.

Does it impact your daily activities?  Probably not.  It is something you become accustomed to seeing and hearing on a daily basis.  It is simply part of the lifestyle in this area that comes with the territory of living near a military air base.  The presence of the base nearby gives a very strong sense of security to those living on Whidbey Island, and also lends itself to a more stable job market and economy for those not connected to the military.
Want more information about Naval Air Station Whidbey Island (NASWI)?  Follow this link.

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