Saturday, June 20, 2015

Most Common Pitfalls of Selling a Home

House with For Sale Sign

Selling your home can be an exciting, yet challenging, time for a homeowner and it is important to know to how to approach each stage of the sale to get best value for your home. Many people get excited when selling their home because of the potential of making good profit as well as moving to a new home.  Often homeowners make some mistakes which can put your sale process off track resulting in either your home not selling or you getting a less desirable price for it. In this article we will discuss some of the most common pitfalls of selling a home and how to avoid them.

1) Selling Your Home Without Being Ready

You may have lived in your home for several years and even have an emotional attachment to it.  Many homeowners put their homes up for sale without being mentally prepared for it. You should analyze why you want to sell your home and if you are really prepared to move to a new home. You can talk to your family, friends and even neighbors if necessary to help you make the right decision.

2) Entering the Housing Market Without Research

The second mistake that many people do when trying to sell their home is not doing any research about the housing market. The supply and demand curve of the housing market keeps fluctuating so you should know what the present situation is before trying to sell your house. When you know the market conditions you will list your house for the right price which will facilitate a smooth sales process and good profit in a timely manner.

3) Choosing the Wrong Realtor

This is another common mistake that many homeowners make when looking to sell their home. Choosing the right realtor can make a lot of difference in whether or not your home is sold and the amount of profit you make from it. You can take suggestions from friends and relatives about a good realtor but also do your own research and never hire someone just based on recommendation of others.  A good realtor will let you know the steps that will happen before your home is listed for sale and will also keep you updated routinely about feedback from showings and help with offers.

4) Neglecting Necessary Repairs

You will have to sell you home for a lower price resulting in less profit if you don't complete the necessary repairs before putting it up for sale. You would have to spend some money to complete the necessary repairs but if potential buyers see these faults in the home they may either refuse to buy it or bargain for a lower sale price.  If they notice one repair that has not been completed, they will immediately assume that there are other things you have neglected in the home.  You should avoid this and complete all the necessary repairs before selling a home so that you get the best price for it.

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